An antidote to isolation-A Corona Virus Cabin Fever Cure!

Posted by Danny Weiser Category: Category 1

With all of the closures of schools, bars, clubs, gyms, libraries, and being stuck at home (with your kids), it is likely causing some major cabin fever!! For an antidote to isolation, get out into nature. You don’t have to go all that far. Take the dog for a walk or sit in your backyard. As long as you can continue practicing social distancing, figure out how to get outside however you can. Another fun way to get out of the house with the family is by doing an outdoor family photo session! With the weather continuously blooming and spring weather sets in, a family photo session makes for a fun and safe outdoor activity! Want to get out of the house and have some fun??? Contact WeiserPhotography today!

P.s. I have long distance lenses and wash my hands frequently=)